The 2nd International Short School on Smart Materials for Opto-Electronic Applications

12th and 13th of September 2022

Based on a successful 1st edition of our summer school (link), it has been decided to repeat the experiment. The aim of that school is to bring to the attendees the concepts and basic working principles of Smart Materials Technologies from experts in the fields coming from both Academy and industries. Moreover, lectures will be given for addressing complete understanding of how the Smart Materials have been exploited for achieving recent significant results in groundbreaking research of the FET project PULSE-COM as well as in applied sciences by investigators working in the PULSE-COM Consortium.

Description of the school content

The main scope of this International School is to provide a rapid training on 6 different advanced technologies, namely:

General introduction

Plenary on how to create new businesses based on development of innovative solutions in the advanced materials sector and accelerating their market entry“ by Luigi Nicolais, Materias

Piezo-electric Materials

Piezo measures on ZnO nanowires” by Thomas Jalabert, UGA

The innovative temperature sensors based on nanomaterials for visible and IR application domains” by Dumitru Ulieru, SITEX 45

Photo-active Materials

Spatial solutions to mold and route random lasing in liquid crystals” by Gaetano Assanto, Università Roma Tre

Orientation approach to light-induced deformations in azobenzene polymers” by Marina Grenzer (Saphiannikova), Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden

Smart, photoaddressable liquid crystal systems“, by Malgosia Kaczmarek, University of Southampton

Stimuli-response polymers: from design to application” by Veronica Ambrogi, DICMaPI

Linear and non-linear optical studies of carbon nanodots and their use in bioimaging” by Katarzyna Matczyszyn, Polytechnika Wrocławska

Plasmonic analysis techniques for Smart Materials“, by Massimo Rippa, CNR

Life-like materials: from stimuli-responsive deformation, self-oscillation to light driven locomotion” by Hao Zeng, Tampere University

Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystal based photomobile polymers” by Domenico Sagnelli, CNR

Piezoelectric nanocomposites based on piezoelectric semiconducting nanowires“, by Gustavo Ardila, UGA

Nano-fabrication by top down and bottom up approaches: Electron Beam Lithography and Colloidal Lithography

Inkjet printing in opto-electronics: from single droplet to complete device” by Fulvia Villani, ENEA

Gravure printed ZnO seed layer for nanowires growth” by Maria Montanino, ENEA

Opal-Inverse Opal nanostructures” by Ion Sandu, INFLPR

Photonics and Plasmonic Metasurfaces: Design and Fabrication” by Lucia Petti, CNR

Advanced printing technologies & additive manufacturing

Pressure sensors with liquid crystals and carbon nanotube networks” by Giusy Scalia, Université du Luxembourg

Pyroelectric polymeric materials and devices” by Riccardo Miscioscia, ENEA

Characterization techniques and their implementation in Smart Materials and devices

Thermal and morphological characterization of smart materials” by Anna De Girolamo Del Mauro and Fausta Loffredo, ENEA

Organic materials for flexible electronics – impedance spectroscopy measurements” by Giuseppe Nenna, ENEA

Application of Smart Materials

Revealing stress and strain by color change using cholesteric liquid crystal elastomers” by Jan Lagerwall – Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine

Concentrating light with plasmonic nanomaterials for solar-to-chemical energy conversion” by Alberto Naldoni, Palacky University

Piezo mechanisms for optronics and space industry” by Mathieu Thomachot, Cedrat Technologies

