The company

UGA, University Grenoble Alpes, is one of the largest universities in France, with more than 45 000 students and 5 500 staff members and researchers from university, Grenoble INP engineering school and CNRS research center. IMEP-LaHC has built for years a renowned expertise in devices physics, by combining experimental and theoretical approaches. Very active at European level, IMEP-LaHC is also strongly involved in industrial collaborations with large microelectronic companies as well as SMEs, and has contributed to the creation of several spin-off companies.

Main Tasks in PULSE-COM

UGA is in charge of the fabrication and characterization of the PMP-PZL device and participates to several tasks, in particular involving the design, development and characterization of the PZL (piezoelectric layer). UGA will also participate to the dissemination and exploitation and to the management and coordination of the project.



Gustavo Ardila received his MS in microelectronic and microsystems circuit design from the National Institute of Applied Science in Toulouse, France in 2004. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2008 from the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. After 1 year of postdoctoral position in LAAS-CNRS laboratory in Toulouse, in 2009 he became Associate Professor at the University Grenoble Alpes (Former Joseph Fourier University) and a researcher at IMEP-LaHC in the Micro Nano Electronic Devices group, Grenoble, France. He has co-supervised 6 Ph.D. students and is or was involved in several European projects related to energy harvesting applications using piezoelectric materials: FP7 FET Flagship Guardian Angels Pilot Phase (2011-2012), NANOFUNCTION FP7/IST/NoEs (2011-2013), CONVERGENCE FLAG–ERA JTC (2017-2020) and CSA H2020-NEREID (2015-2018) in which he coordinated a task related to Energy for Autonomous systems. He participates to the IEEE International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS), where he leads the European team dedicated to Energy Harvesting technologies (More than Moore). His activities concern the theoretical/experimental studies of MEMS/NEMS, in particular sensors and energy harvesters based on piezoelectric nano-composites (nanowires immerged into a dielectric material). He is author or co-author of 7 book chapters and of more than 80 journal or conference peer-reviewed papers.

G-Ardila picture

Mireille Mouis obtained her Ph.D. degree (French “Doctorat d’État”) from Paris-Sud University in 1988 and was hired by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in 1985. She is now Senior Researcher (Directrice de Recherche) at CNRS within IMEP-LaHC laboratory. She is the director of the FMNT federation of laboratories, which aims at promoting scientific collaboration and expertise sharing within the 7 academic laboratories (including IMEP-LaHC) which are working in the field of Micro Nano Technologies in Grenoble, France. Her research deals with the physical analysis of ultimate CMOS architectures and of nanoscale devices, such as sensors or energy harvesters, which may extend the performance and functionality of future integrated circuits. This involves the coupling of original modelling and simulation approaches with in-depth electrical characterisation under various conditions. She has developed strong collaborations with academic, pre-industrial and industrial partners and has been participating or managing several research projects at the regional, national or European level, some of them on-going. She has notably been coordinating the H2020 RIA project Nanonets2Sense (GA n° 688329) until March 2019. She authored or co-authored 7 chapter books and more than 240 papers in international conferences and refereed journals. Until recently, she has been serving as Electron Device Society chapter chair for the IEEE France section. She is now associate editor for IEEE J-EDS.

M Mouis

Prof. Gerard Ghibaudo, Fellow IEEE, obtained the Ph.D. degree in Electronics in 1981 and the State Thesis degree in Physics from the same University in 1984. He became associate researcher at CNRS in 1981 where he is now Director of Research at CNRS. Prof. G. Ghibaudo has supervised over 110 Ph.D. students in his career including 47 CIFRE Ph.D. directly co-supervised with industrial partner ST. He was or is involved in over 30 European research projects and national programs. Prof. G. Ghibaudo is member of the Editorial board of Solid State Electronics and was associate editor of Microelectronics Reliability Journals. During his career he has been author or co-author of over 530 articles in International Refereed Journals, 730 communications and 78 invited presentations in International Conferences and of 32 book chapters. 843 items, 10.577 citations, H index of 40 in WOS. Prof. G. Ghibaudo has been joint coordinator of NOISE European project (1992), WP leader in NANOCMOS and PULLNANO IP European projects (2004-2008), WP leader in Foremost Medea project (2007-2009), WP leader in Squire and Compose3 strep European projects (2010-2016). Former director of CPMA center (2001-2003), FMNT labs (2002-2004) and IMEP-LAHC lab (2007-2013).
